Alabama Supreme Court at the Gogue Performorning Arts Center
I saw the following event scheduled at the Gogue and thought it would be very interesting and fun and wanted to let you know about it.
“Auburn University’s campus will host a working courtroom on March 14, 2024, when members of the Alabama Supreme Court convene in the Gogue Performing Arts Center, creating a historic moment in the university’s history and offering a rare opportunity.
Open to the public, the proceedings mark the second time Auburn’s campus has hosted an oral argument, offering a live session of the Court’s proceedings before an audience of faculty, students, staff, and residents of the broader Auburn and Opelika communities.
During its session, the justices will hear arguments in a medical malpractice case, SC-2023-0601 Ex parte Jackson Hospital & Clinic, Inc. As part of the proceedings, opposing counsel will present arguments interpreting the Alabama COVID-19 Immunity Act and Governor Kay Ivey’s emergency COVID-19 proclamations. The parties will have equal time to present their arguments to the Court. Amicus curiae (“friend of the Court”) briefs have been filed by Governor Ivey, the Business Council of Alabama, the Alabama Civil Justice Reform Committee, and the Alabama Hospital Association. Additional information about the case (briefs) can be found here.
Honoring the Court’s tradition of making its proceedings more accessible to constituents across the state, the arguments also highlight Auburn’s commitment to providing students with real-world experiences and fostering a deeper understanding of the judicial process.”
Update: Pictures of the event.
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